Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Teapot Tempest On Pride

Mrs. Obama was taken to task for saying "I am now proud of my country..." or "I have never been more proud of my country... ",
I think others expected her to say "I am now more proud of my country than I have ever been..." which many have said, hopefully, many times before. Each time, we assume, for a reason that is more significant than any previous one.
So, why the big fuzz? Just political noise meant to distract.

Another reason why we can all, together, say "I am now more proud of my country than I have ever been..." was in the New York Times:

1 comment:

MikeSar said...

Just in case we need a "wake up call"...
An small city in California, near San Francisco, with 19 parks within its city limits wants to let a commercial builder bring an Sport Center with pricey shows and some professional sports.
What site did they pick?
The one in the oldest part of town in the middle of low income housing.

How did they decide how to build it?
They invited neighbors to come and voice their opinions over many meetings.
And many of us came and strongly but politely voiced our firm opposition to the destruction of the oldest Community park in the city.
Not even one person spoke in favor of the destruction of the park in any of about five meetings devoted to this issue, "to hear from the community", they said.

So, you think the battle started by Rosa Parks and others is over?
Wake Up America!